articles i've written

Millennials in the workplace: Engage, Retain, Recruit

The cost of not investing in the millennial workforce   It’s no secret that workforce dynamics have changed. You only need to look at the average office these days to see the increase in those aged under 40. In fact, for some industries, we see offices who only have employees in their late 20’s – to […]

Millennial retention: Four things organisations need to know

Did you know that Millennials are more likely to leave a job than other generation? In fact, they’re nearly twice as likely to quit. It’s a significant figure – and amplified when you consider the cost factor. (I.e. invested time, effort and money into hiring or training, loss of potential, etc).  The ‘why’ factor is few and […]

The Millennial World: The 2021 business challenge: Meeting Workers’ Mental Health Needs

Where is your workplace at when it comes to mental health initiatives? It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic worsened the epidemic of mental health challenges that plague countries around the world.  Not immune, this perpetuating issue also infiltrated workplaces.  In fact, studies suggest that 75% of US employees have struggled with anxiety caused by […]

Millennial Money Management

5 Tips for Keeping Wealth Building on Track  There is no denying the fact that Millennials have spent the last decade struggling to build wealth. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis has seen ripple effects impacting this generation heavily: the last decade marked with rising debt, job insecurity, housing affordability, wage gaps, rising cost of living […]

Millennials in the workplace: The Millennial World

Understanding millennial wealth and business: 5 strategies to minimise impact There is no denying the fact that Millennials have spent the last decade struggling to build wealth. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis has seen ripple effects impacting this generation heavily: the last decade marked with rising debt, job insecurity, housing affordability, wage gaps, rising cost […]

Millennials in the Workplace: Three ways 2020 inspired an entrepreneur mindset

Historically, if we look at the black swans of the last two decades – SARS outbreak in China in 2003 and the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 – and the proceeding developments (e.g., Alibaba’s Taobao, Uber, Airbnb and WhatsApp) we can see that opportunities exist in times of crisis. For young generations (millennials and Gen […]

Remote Challenges: Five ways small businesses can incorporate remote working and manage workers more effectively

While remote working isn’t anything new, Covid-19 has pushed this concept to the forefront of many businesses. In fact, a Roy Morgan study revealed that since the pandemic started, 32 per cent of working Australians have been working from home. When we consider factors such as Government announcements allowing restricted percentages of workers back to […]

Career & Expectations: How to Be a Supportive Manager to Millennials

It is no secret that keeping employees engaged is one of the challenges that face organisations. However, the levels of effort invested by organisations into addressing this challenge is few and far between. While employers typically expect to have loyal and dedicated employees, the reality is, if there is no reciprocal investment in the relationships, […]

Millennials in the workplace: Millennial Values, Traits & Skills

The Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Your Millennial Workforce   Millennials are, and continue to be, a heavily misjudged generation. With this misjudgement, a range of preconceived notions, expectations and ideals have been projected toward this generation – not to mention stereotypes, like, ‘lazy’, ‘self-entitled’ and ‘unfocused’.  The problem with this, is the […]

How the pandemic has changed business practice and the way we work

It is undeniable that COVID-19 has presented organisations with a critical need to pivot ways of working. While originally a perplexing challenge, the changes that we are seeing across industries include positive, progressive movement. Not just in ways of doing business, but how to do business – including a better understanding of workforces. Especially for […]

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